Every day you read about people who are making money on their blogs. It’s no wonder you think this could be the business model for you.
You might love to write and feel that sharing what you have to offer via a blog is the perfect path to online success. Before you run off and quit your day job, take a look at the potential ways you could make money from a blog.
1. Pay Per Click Ads
There are a number of bloggers who search for ways to make money on their blogs by including pay per click ads. These are contextual ads that show links and perhaps short descriptions of advertisers’ websites.
In order for this to be effective, the ads should really match up with the content of your website. Why? Because when this occurs, you get greater results. You will have the potential to make a small amount of money for every click the ad receives.
2. Sell Advertising Space
Selling ad space can be a wonderful way to make money from your blog. However, this doesn’t happen over night. It takes time to get your blog up to a level that will actually attract advertisers.
It’s important to understand that you can’t expect to sell ad spots for money until you build a good subscriber base and good traffic numbers. Once you do that, you can sell direct text links, banner ads, etc. within your blog and even your newsletter.
If you don’t have the subscriber numbers to sell ad spots you can consider signing up with paid or sponsored blogging programs.
Pro Tip: Be sure to choose your advertisers carefully. Remember it’s your name and reputation on the line.
3. Affiliate Programs
There are affiliate programs for just about anything you can think of. For example, if your blog is about organization and de-cluttering the home, you can certainly promote links to places where people can buy books on organizing, file folders, file cabinets, storage boxes, and so on.
You can usually find an affiliate program for any kind of physical product, but don’t forget digital products as well. These digital products could be in the form of e-books, audio books, training courses, and more.
4. Promote Your Business
More and more companies are seeing the value in creating a blog for their business. It’s a way to share their knowledge and expertise. When you create a blog to promote your business, always keep in mind who your audience is and what it is they are looking for.
When you do this, you will be attracting the kind of readers who might be interested in buying your products and your services, while building your brand as an expert.
5. Sell It
There may come a time when you might be able to build your blog to the point of selling it. If that’s your goal, you could make a tidy sum if you build it right from the beginning.
That means build your blog based on value to your readers. This will enable you to have loyal, raving fans who can’t wait to read your next posts. Of course in order to sell your blog it must be making money.
Take the time and research these five ways to potentially make money from your blog. Ultimately you need to ask yourself if one of these ways makes sense for what you are trying to accomplish.
You can also make money from a blog as long as you position yourself as a market leader or expert. When you do that, they will support you.
Everyone can make money through blogging, but not everyone gets the success.
Everyone has the potential to be successful making money on their blog. There’s no easy button.
It takes time , resources and planning.