Life at work is hectic. There is so much happening there—new projects, client meetings, internal discussions, etc. It’s good to be busy. It’s also essential for you to be productive at all times. However, there are times when you do encounter some sort of a ‘block’ at work. Even though everyone encounters such a block, this kind of break from work at work can lead to delay in … [Read more...]
Paperwork Prevents Small Business Growth – 12 Tools to Recoup Time
Did you know that small business owners spend one day per week doing paperwork? In fact, according to research by YourTradeBase, more than one out of two small business owners (51%) believe that paperwork is preventing business growth. Interestingly, women business owners spend the most time on administrative paperwork (32% of women business owners spend more than 10 hours … [Read more...]
Multitasking Doesn’t Work – Or Does It?
Every few years there is a new movement that tells us we're doing things incorrectly. Don't eat salt! Wait---salt is okay. Don't eat carbs! Hold on---carbs aren't completely bad. Turns out, today's finding will be tomorrow's wrong way of doing things. Recently, productivity experts and research studies have proclaimed that multitasking doesn't work. Instead, … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Kick Start Your Momentum
Wouldn’t you agree that sometimes it’s challenging to keep your momentum going? Sure, there are times when everything seems to come together effortlessly. As things progress, they get better and better. The problem is life isn’t perfect. It’s not always easy to keep your momentum going. You might start a project that seems fun and exciting only to find there is a great deal … [Read more...]
10 Things a Virtual Assistant Can Do Better, Faster and Cheaper than You
Sponsored by 247Assistants: You run a growing business, but you’re so busy you can’t even enjoy your success. Sound familiar? Fortunately, you can get help so you can focus your valuable time on business development. One of the most affordable and effective ways to recoup your productivity is to hire a virtual assistant from a company like 247Assistants. As the job title … [Read more...]
Ending Frustration At Work
There are a growing number of reasons why individuals can experience frustration at work. If you’re experiencing budget cuts, longer work hours, unclear organizational direction, or a cranky boss, you might find it difficult to stay positive. A lot of the situations you are facing have nothing to do with you, but you still are the recipient of the stress the situations are … [Read more...]
Is Your Business Getting the Desired Results?
Is your business getting the desired results? The other day I spoke to someone who has been writing his book for three years. So far they have Chapter 1 done. What this person told me was that he didn’t have the time to write. Do you find that you don’t have enough time to get all the tasks done in your business? Maybe you are constantly being interrupted causing you to … [Read more...]
Incorporate a Weekly Review into Your Work Schedule
What is a weekly review of your work schedule? It’s a structured evaluation and discovery process that allows you to determine how effective your work process has been throughout the week. It allows you to determine what went well, what scheduled work did not get completed, and what priorities need to be set for next week. The weekly review is an effective tool for organizing … [Read more...]
The Myth of Multitasking
We have all heard that women are better at multitasking then me, but, where does that get us? Studies indicate that multitasking actually does not make a positive contribution in our use of time or the quality of our productivity. When we multitask, we actually have less focus on the work we are doing and the combined tasks take longer to complete. So let’s look at an … [Read more...]
Are Staff Meetings a Waste of Time?
With more and more high-tech ways in which to communicate, some business owners are wondering whether face-to-face staff meetings are worth their time and energy. After all, can’t a text, e-chat or email accomplish the same thing in less time? The Value of Face-to-Face Meetings The fact is that many specific actions can be accomplished through digital interactions, but at the … [Read more...]