I’ve been on my “virtual blog tour” for one month now. This is an activity in which on every business day, a blogger or radio host invites me to be interviewed or contribute a guest post. Several hosts have invited me to be “present” in their blog space for several days. The purpose of my tour is to promote my new book Whale Hunting Women, and Nikki Leigh of Promo 101 is coordinating it.
A great outcome of the tour that I must admit I hadn’t really thought about is the fantastic women who are hosting me-many of them women that I did not know previously.
So I thought I would introduce you to a few of them because they have interesting businesses, inspirational ideas, and practical wisdom.
Are you an accidental entrepreneur? Molly Gordon, certified business coach, is founder of Shaboom! Inc–tag line, of course, “Life Could Be a Dream.” [If you’re my age, you gotta love that!] Molly focuses her business on “accidental entrepreneurs,” people whose artistic, creative talent drives them to find a way to sell their products or services, but who are perhaps reluctant to think of themselves as business owners. Molly is an honest, funny, quirky writer who shares her inner voices as well as interacting with clients and blog visitors. In the telephone interview, she was warm, responsive, and genuine. Those are great qualities for a coach, and I’ll bet she is a very good coach. Follow her blog here, and follow her on Twitter @shaboom.
Maybe you want to be A Successful Woman? I visited the blog site of Monica Flores, A Successful Woman. Monica is the founder of a web design company and through her blog encourages, instructs, and enlightens women about success, based on her belief in a mindset for success. Her interests include” minority women in business, technology, travel, education, music, mentoring, marathons, green issues, gardening, community and political involvement, classical music, dreams coming true. Please do click through to the “dreams coming through” pages, and while you’re there look at Monica’s slide show about her personal goals. She thinks BIG in some very specific ways that make her aspirations totally believable and achievable. Monica is a featured writer here at Women on Business. Follow her on Twitter @monicadear.
Or how about the Ultimate Sales Chick? I was a guest on Brooke Green’s “Ultimate Sales Chick” podcast. I have known Brooke for a few years, but have come to know her better in the last year. I call her the original whale hunting woman because she was one of the first salespeople to be introduced to what became The Whale Hunters Process. Brooke is a principal at Caskey Training, and her business is sales training. She has a particular interest in and focus on women in sales. In the biweekly podcast, Brooke hones in on the balance of home life and work life. She’s a working mom whose 6-year old Jack is just finishing kindergarten. If that’s where you are in life and career, you will especially want to follow Brooke. Follow Brooke on Twitter @caskeychick.
Perhaps you are a Roundpeg. Lorraine Ball, founder and principal at Roundpeg, a full-service marketing firm in Indianapolis, is a social media maven and marketing guru to small business clients. She hosted me twice for blog posts this month. I love Lorraine’s blog because she (or one of her associates) updates it daily, and the entries are always both clever and useful. Not only is Lorraine a savvy business woman, and not only is she a great resource for small business owners-she is also an endlessly creative contributor to the business community. The breadth of her interests is an excellent example of how to grow your business by being increasingly relevant to other business owners. I have known about Lorraine for quite awhile, as we both live and work in Indianapolis, but I only recently met her face-to-face, through social media connections. Follow Lorraine on Twitter @roundpeg.
I hope you will enjoy these introductions to wise and witty business women. I’ll introduce some more next week. Meantime, hope you’ll follow me on Twitter @whalehunters.
Hi Nan,
Thanks for your comment–glad you liked the post. It is always heartwarming to know that someone cares enough to write back. I know you will enjoy the women I introduced. Best wishes, Barbara
Wonderful post & info! I just discovered your site and as a start-up entrepreneur, I will bookmark you! I look forward to reading about the other women you described here.
THanks so much Barbara for the awesome post. I am thrilled to count you in my circle of strong, powerful, effective women.
I used the tips in your book on my own website and promotional materials, and this year is definitely shaping up to be my best ever.
Let’s go out there and hunt some whales!
Thanks for the nod. I am honored you enjoy the blog and are willing to share. Be sure to check out my post on Wednesday. I am sharing some of my favorite quotes from the Whale Hunting Women event last Thursday. Which was an awesome day!