Networking is a key component to business success for men and women. The social web provides a myriad of opportunities for women in business to connect, share ideas and opinions, ask questions and more.Â
With a new year upon us, it’s a great time to put together some business networking goals for the next twelve months. As you put together a networking strategy for 2008, remember to include the social web in your plan. For example, join social sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook then actively participate on those sites to expand your business network.
A great feature of Facebook is the social groups that anyone can create. Just last week, Suzanne Arant Wells from the Moms in Business blog started a new group on Facebook for women in business, which she appropriately named Moms in Business. Already, there are 40 members networking in this group of businesswomen.
Are you a member of any groups for women in business on Facebook or another social website? If so, leave a comment and share your favorite groups with Women On Business’ readers.
Social networks are definitely a great way to get your ideas out there for more people to see. To my knowledge, I don’t know of many women’s groups on Digg (site I primarily use), although I would like to see them. However, I think posting articles about women in business on Digg would be beneficial to many.
Data Babble, I’m going to look into creating women’s groups on more social sites. I agree that women are underrepresented and need more resources online.