Comments on: What is it 30-somethings want? Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Sun, 29 Nov 2009 01:40:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda C Smith Sun, 29 Nov 2009 01:40:41 +0000 Diana – I so appreciate your comments. Your thoughts have been echoed by members of my own family…my daughters and their husbands, nieces and nephews and their spouses are all in their early 30’s and say what you are saying. One son-in-law is working for a company but also trying to build a business of his own…both in IT. A nephew passed up the chance of a start-up because he has two young children and didn’t want to take the chance of not having income, so he’s working for someone else. Stability is what all these young people want because they all have young families. But they also all want opportunities to grow. Our family all lives in various parts of the Bay Area of California…one of the places in the U.S. with the highest housing costs and not a one of these young families can afford to buy a home here…and they want to.

But I think you are correct that your generation will be okay. – Linda

By: Diana L Sat, 28 Nov 2009 18:25:06 +0000 Interesting observations. As a 30-something reader here, I might share some insight, which is simply that we have not had to deal with such a looming economic crisis before in our adult lives. If my understand is correct, the last economic downturn was in the early 90’s, and the 30-somethings were still in college (if not high school) at that point. As we got into our careers and took hold of our financial responsibilities, the 401K’s and real estate market sold us on the notion that money would always be plentiful, the economy would continue its upward climb, and we all had to do to be “smart” was focus on getting more, more, more.

So yes, we’re a little scared. We’re a little uncertain. We’re a little pessimistic, because the promises of security turned out to be an illusion. The foundations we set our futures on turned into quicksand.

We will be okay, because we have also witnessed throughout our lives the great advances in technology and creativity and now benefit from the inventivness that created the microwave, the computer, the cellphone, the internet. We appreciate and laud innovation.

Could it be that the couple that wants to retire at 50 focuses on that untraditional dynamic because it coveys a sense of creativity and resourcefulness? Or how telling it was that the group of men focused their conversation on a new invention, rather than waiting for some company with a good pension and benefits?
