Comments on: Women Think Differently… Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Mon, 10 Oct 2011 04:42:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: E :D :D I E Mon, 10 Oct 2011 04:42:49 +0000 Yes women and men definitely do think differently, there is no doubt about that haha. I am very happy to read this blog post which reads about the way women think and how it is helping their businesses and our economy. As a sophomore in college, majoring in business, I am very open-minded for pointers and new ideas that will help me in the future. Even though I know that this opinion wasn’t originally yours and was another authors’, I really wanted to appreciate the fact that you posted this on the blog. No matter what gender, color, or religion the individual is, if what he or she is doing can benefit the way of his or her life(in an ethical way of course), then I personally think that other people can take advices from it! And that’s why I also can’t believe that there aren’t more male entrepreneurs out there who would also exercise and practice this new business philosophy to help their own businesses! The way women think and believe is helping them understand that encouraging and motivating employees positively, by giving them more credit and acknowledgment, is helping the performances of their workers and is helping out the business and the economy. I’m sure that there are many men out there who also feel this way and that’s great! But I, personally being a man, really wished that many more men would practice this philosophy and try to think a little bit more like women in order to help their businesses and our economy.

By: Zsa Zsa Fri, 07 Oct 2011 07:58:56 +0000 So true. I think how a woman’s mind works is one of the things that makes us potentially great leaders/entrepreneurs!
