In today’s economy many people are left feeling unsatisfied at work but feeling as though they do not have the ability to change their situation. Fear of the bad economic conditions impacting their likelihood of getting a new or different job they simply keep their mouth shut and suffer through it. This can be as simple as wishing they had different job duties, to wanting to … [Read more...]
Using LinkedIn to Recruit Talent
The economy has drastically changed over the past decade. With companies loosing revenue, and many shutting down entirely, employers have had to lay people off and many temporarily stopped hiring. While these knee jerk reactions were often warranted to save companies from financial failure – a business cannot sustain long term without appropriately staffing itself to meet the … [Read more...]
Contracts That Hurt You
Millions of people are taking the leap to start their own business every year. Whether a solopreneur or part of a skilled start up team - new business owners are busy. Starting a business may start with a dream but businesses succeed with hard work, determination, and the drive to forge ahead. Many people, after starting a company, realizing the amount of time it takes find … [Read more...]
The Guilt Ridden Working Mom
How to Survive those Moments of Guilt - We will all be okay! Whether you work outside the home, or in the home, you have those moments where you feel like you are doing something wrong, or neglecting them. That moment when they cry for someone else, or don't want to be with you, or the ever present "one second honey, mommy's working," "let me just finish this email," and … [Read more...]
WAHM’s Conquering the World
Conquering the world isn't an easy job. In the world of entrepreneurship there are endless possibilities in the type of work or business you may be running. Many are home based and may even be internet based. This allows us to be home, run our own schedule and take charge of our lives. It also leaves the general public room to wonder what you do for work and in my own … [Read more...]
Working With Baby
Women are diverse. There is no one size fits all category. Anyone that thinks so should simply look at our shoe closet or visit the local hair salon. Tall, short, round, slim, quiet, loud, introvert, extrovert… you name the personality or physical trait and there is a woman to match it. Similarly our career and family decisions are as unique as we are. First of all not all … [Read more...]
Scrappy Women – An Interview With Founder Kimberly Wiefling
Are you an aggressive female with dreams, and will not take no for an answer? Would you rather speak your mind than go quietly into the night? If so you may be a Scrappy Woman. The other day I had the privilege of connecting with Kimberly Wiefling, President of Wiefling Consulting and Founder of . Kimberly is a woman who speaks her mind and would rather … [Read more...]
You Are The Company’s Greatest Asset
The number of people choosing to work for themselves continues to rise. Entrepreneurs inspired by a vision and a dream set out on a course of business ownership, their only tools often being their mind, creativity and experience. If this is you, both now and in the future you may be your company’s greatest asset. Until you are able to grow your company to a large enough … [Read more...]
Risk Taking Women Entrepreneurs
Gambling on a Calculated Risk Roll the dice...and trust that the odds will be in your favor and if they aren't "May the odds be ever in your favor" (sorry I couldn't help myself), you have to be willing to do what it takes to turn the tables. Sometimes you just have to go for it. The one thing all entrepreneurs have in common...they took a risk. If they hadn't, they … [Read more...]
Help My Balls Are On Fire!
We all have the proverbial "balls in the air". As business executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and people we are busy! There are usually multiple things going on during a day. With deadlines to meet, clients to call, proposals to finish, sales to close, team meetings, conference calls, emails, texts, voice mails, traffic, kids, dinner, sports, facebook, friends ... … [Read more...]