Fast food wants your mornings. Resist!
They know mornings are when you are most rushed and they all want a piece of you for breakfast. Their drive-through windows beckon with ultimate convenience, but their food generally is too high in sugars and low in nutrients to be good breakfast. Try to resist!
Why do you need a healthy breakfast? A nutritious breakfast (whole non-processed foods) jump starts your metabolism, improves your concentration, gives you more strength for physical activities, promotes weight control, and improves cognitive function. Healthy breakfasts make you smart, strong and balanced.
Here are 7 healthy options for breakfast on the go:
Bananas: You can buy bananas anywhere, from health food stores to gas stations, so there’s rarely a time you couldn’t find one. They are ideal because they have a good nutrient value, dense carbohydrates for energy, and a fairly low glycemic to help you maintain the energy they provide over a long, steady period.
An NBJ: Use raw nut butter and all-fruit jelly with no added sugar. Put on a whole grain bread or better yet, substitute a couple round slices of apple for the bread. It’s a great meal on the go.
Walnuts, cheese and apples: Toss a cut up apple, a couple chunks of organic cheese and a handful of walnuts into a sandwich bag and you have a fiber and protein-rich nutritious meal on the go.
Container of yogurt with a handful of fruit: Put plain, organic yogurt in a small container like a mason jar and toss in a handful of blackberries or blueberries. Eat with a spoon on the go. It’s fantastic! Eventually you’ll start putting more healthy things into this mix (cacao, pumpkin seeds, etc) for a healthy version of a kid in an all-you-can-add-on-top frozen yogurt store.
Leftover salmon: Hopefully, you are baking or broiling wild salmon for dinner. It’s loaded with healthy omega-3 fats and is a great source of vitamins and protein. I always make extra and refrigerate the leftovers because a couple forks of it in the morning is the ultimate breakfast balance to a banana or a piece of fruit.
Hard boiled egg: Hard boil and peel an egg the night before then just toss a couple in a baggie with a dash of Maldon sea salt and a few twists from the pepper mill.
An avocado: Sure, it’s unconventional but you know you’ve eaten cold pizza for breakfast before. At least an avocado is great for you. Slice around the perimeter of the fruit down to the seed, pop open and remove the seed, sprinkle with salt and put the halves back together and into a baggie. You can eat directly out of each half with spoon.
About the Author
Sarah James is a healthy business travel expert, business executive, registered nurse, certified health coach, and yoga instructor. After a successful career as a pharmaceutical sales rep, Sarah started Healthy Eating for Business Travelers and offers coaching and training about healthy eating and living to business people around the world.
Some people complain they are too busy, and simply can’t find the time to sit down and have breakfast. Skip breakfast and you will gradually weaken your stomach and your digestive function as a whole. Healthy breakfast gives your body the ideal start and speeds up your metabolism.