Great networkers have a variety of people they connect with on their professional journey. Some people have prestige and can open doors; others will be mentors and guide you with insightful commentary.
Here are four key types of people to connect with and build your board-level network:
1. Foundation
Foundational supporters run the gamut from friends to business peers. They tend to be closer to you than associates and they know your passions. They may not have a lot of prestige but they cheer you on.
2. Kings and Queens
Individuals in this group can make introductions to key contacts. These are high-level executives that you know from work or professional associations. You may have met them at a conference or maybe they attended one of your speaking events.
3. Connectors
These are people who are highly social and can extend your network. They could be bloggers, financial advisers, or even your doctor. All have extensive contacts.
4. Evangelists
An evangelist will get your message out. They can be professionals in social media who tweet your material, or LinkedIn contacts who comment on your blog. By promoting you, they elevate your visibility.
Are there other types of people that board candidates should network with that you would add to this list? Share them in the comments below.
This helps to avoid you only need to network with people who can introduce you to others. Indeed you need more players to make networking work for you. Thanks for this.