Comments on: The Detrimental Business Relationship: Are You Putting Yourself at Risk? Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Wed, 12 May 2010 18:00:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leslie Linevsky Wed, 12 May 2010 18:00:40 +0000 Maribeth,
I especially found you on target when you mentioned the “friend who cheats on his taxes is ignored until that person cheats you out of something.” I strongly believe, and agree with you, that if someone is willing to be dishonest in their personal life, they are 99% probable to be dishonest in business.

If finds a client that is out-right lieing or cheating, we will ask them to leave our client-relationship. Life is too short to surround yourself with bad people.

By: ERV Wed, 12 May 2010 15:48:42 +0000 Thank you for this post – so on point and a lesson I had to learn the hard way in starting my own freelance writing business.
