Comments on: Gut Check — Score One for Intuition Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:16:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Nozicka Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:16:19 +0000 Hi Henna~

Thanks for your comment. So what is it that you’re doing since you left corporate America? Hope it’s all you expected it to be!


By: Henna Inam Thu, 13 Jan 2011 21:19:58 +0000 Thanks for the article. I am a huge believer in trusting our intuitions.

About a year before I left my C-suite role in Corp America, I had a very strong intuition that I needed to move careers to work on something that would be more meaningful for me. Listening to the voice, I got serious about figuring out what that would be, got the necessary certification and ta-da! here I am! I have never been happier!

The good news for all is that the more we listen to our intuition the stronger the voice becomes and we just start to trust it. Now I use intuition right there among more “rational” criteria to make decisions on clients, partners etc and it works for me!
