Comments on: Crying at the workplace. Maybe a sign to leave? Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Fri, 19 Mar 2010 02:16:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anita Fri, 19 Mar 2010 02:16:45 +0000 Jennie D, looks like you missed the mark. The author is asking readers to consider how crying about work may point to more serious issues like feeling under-appreciated or overwhelmed. I think it’s fair to say most people cry at work when they are upset rather than tears of joy.

And why is that? Because rarely do people want to show emotional vulnerability in a professional setting.

True, crying shows you care because if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t need that kind of release. However, if you are crying because it helps you “think clearly,” you might have another issue which is being over-emotional and THAT is perpetuating a female stereotype. Surely there are other ways to think, like getting a bit of fresh air or squeezing a stress ball!

I also think it’s very ironic that you hope “especially men” do not read this article, because you’re implying crying is for women only.

Next time you accuse somebody for voicing an opinion, you might want to look inwards at yourself and reflect about what your views/actions are saying about women in the workforce.

By: Jennie D Thu, 18 Mar 2010 14:24:29 +0000 While this may be true for some people — they may need to leave a bad environment – I have been in that situation and I DID leave. It is completely inappropriate to say this is a sign for all! I have cried at my place of business WAY more than once in my almost 9 years here. But it is because I CARE! I give a darn about my career and my company and how things are done and how I grow. Crying helps me think clearly. I cry — get it all out — and then get back at it. When others cry in front of me it shows me that THEY CARE. They want to do well. They want to see the company and themselves succeed. It doesn’t mean their weak and can’t hack it. You are perpetuating the female stereotypes when you make comments like you just did. I hope very few people read your post. Especially men!! That was not very helpful.

By: Mahsa Thu, 18 Mar 2010 13:52:44 +0000 Hi Jennie,

I understand where you’re coming from. I am in NO way trying to say women can’t hack it!

I even clarified that the feminist in me IS NOT saying that it’s because they’re women and can’t handle it.

I also said “but shouldn’t crying be a sign of a much bigger problem at the workplace? And why isn’t anyone doing anything about it?”

Please read the entry again. It is not meant to demean women – because that is NOT what I stand for.


