Comments on: Mentorship and success go hand in hand Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Wed, 02 Oct 2013 00:40:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ty Unglebower Fri, 26 Mar 2010 04:08:55 +0000 I totally agree, but I have no mentor. I have never had a mentor, and I think that is one reason I have never had a true full time job in my entire adult life, despite having gone to college. (I freelance, but would welcome some stability once in a while.)

The problem is, mentors simply are not that easy to come by for a lot of people. If you happen to be talented in a field that needs huge amounts of people, you are more likely to find one. But if your talents lie elsewhere, or in more competitive or less business oriented fields, good luck in ever having anyone take enough interest in you to want to take you under their wing. People need that wing these days to cover their own tail feathers, and that’s the truth.

I speak from experience. I am good at what I do, but have always had to cut through the forest on my own, getting lost much of the time, because of a 100% lack of mentors at all stages of my life and career development.

By: Paul Onwubuke Thu, 25 Mar 2010 02:08:34 +0000 Great points Mahsa, on Mentorship and Success. I learned from one of my mentors that a journey of a thousand mile, begins with the very first step(Dr. W. Dyer). All the best on your Journey.
