Comments on: 4 Things Extremely Successful People Do over Holiday Breaks Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Mon, 09 Jan 2017 06:18:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlene Mon, 09 Jan 2017 06:18:17 +0000 Thanks for sharing your insights, EFC! Books provide another level of motivation that inspires us to unlock another piece of potential. Keep motivating others with your message. There is always someone who is looking for the gifts we have to give.

By: EFC Thu, 05 Jan 2017 16:37:23 +0000 As a successful individual, I agree to your #2, Read Motivational or Educational Content. I love reading motivational stories from other successful people because it takes me back to the time when I was still dreaming and pursuing my dream. Now I am able to motivate people to never give up and just keep on reaching for their dreams.
