Comments on: You can’t control your staffs every word… Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Wed, 19 Aug 2009 20:10:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allison O'Neill Wed, 19 Aug 2009 20:10:50 +0000 Hi Cindy, I suppose your comment highlights that it can be hard to get staff that have the same values and standards of the business owner. Hiring for attitude not ability is important and could perhaps help reduce the problems you wrote about. With the right attitude and similar values you would hope they WOULDNT be playing loud music the second you leave! 🙂 Allison

By: Cindy Morris Wed, 19 Aug 2009 12:38:37 +0000 Dear Allison,

Your words ring true! Having owned and operated a high end floral business for ten years my biggest pet peeve (second only to hearing head-banging music playing in the store when they thought I would be gone for a while!) was when my staff was less than impeccable in their communication with customers. The worst was when they answered the phone. I would call in often when I was off premises just to hear how they greeted customers, then I would instruct,instruct, instruct.
I found the lack of awareness in people had astounding!

At the airport the other day I witnesses a United Airlines employee absolutely lose it with a difficult customer. I would have fired her.
A customer isn’t always right, but he is NEVER wrong. True the customer was being unreasonable and downright horrible but the employee’s behavior was insane. How embarrassing for EVERYONE.

What ever happened to decent behavior and good manners?
A rude employee can really put a mark on your business! If I have a negative experience with an employee I call the owner. I always appreciated when I was informed of less than desirable employee behavior.

I guess it really comes down to this: if it’s happening in your business, it’s your responsibility…all of it!
Business ownership is only for the strong in spirit!

Cindy Morris,msw
Priestess Entrepreneur
