Comments on: State of Business Ethics in the United States [Infographic] Business Women Expertise, Tips, Advice and More to Build Winning Careers and Brands Wed, 27 Nov 2013 01:00:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ethics and women in business | melisse reynolds Wed, 27 Nov 2013 01:00:12 +0000 […] of Business Ethics in the United States’, Women on Business, Retrieved in October 2013 from See also Marks, Norman (2012) ‘Disturbing Survey on Business Ethics’, Sustainable Business […]

By: Sossity Nico Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:45:01 +0000 The list above, stating areas of protection for whistleblowers is extremely thorough and I feel appropriately addresses detailed situations where I feel many whistleblowers are left to fend for themselves unfairly. The information confidentially shared as a whistleblower is 99% if not 100% beneficial to the company and is creating an intense scenario of vulnerability and uncertainty for the person sharing the information, they should be fully protected, checked in on, and commended for their courage. Instead I see an environment of uncertainty and neglect, and retaliation on many levels.

By: Jim Nico Sat, 22 Jun 2013 14:14:30 +0000 Susan
Thank you so much for this important piece. Knowing first hand of unethical and hostile work environments: I suggest:
1. An ethics program needs to have teeth with rewards for reporting unethical and illegal matters.
2. Use of social networks should be a viral leverage point to help deal with ethics and legal issues
3. Whistle Blower protections, in order to be effective must at minimum:
a. Not allow any visible change in whistle blower duties which imply or signal employee is a whistle blower.
b. Limit knowledge about reports to need to know basis.
c. Offer immediate penalty’s for anyone who ostracizes whistle blower.
d. Offer safe haven if whistle blower protections break down including adequate time away from work with full pay and benefits
e. Increase liability for companies who allow hostile work environments, sexual harassment, unethical or illegal behavior
f. Do not allow any extra work, scrutiny, supervision, quality assurance protocols, observation, or quality assurance expectations for whistle blower.
g.Keep time and resources focused on the report not the reporter.
h.Keep whistle blower apprised of status of report to reduce anxiety
